03 Aug 2007
Just got back from watching Bourne Ultimatum.
Best of the series as far as I’m concerned, definitely worth checking out.
Couldn’t help but notice the use of Google Maps for all their GPS tracking and in-car navigation systems
Didn’t look all that outlandish either.
29 Jul 2007
Interesting article over on CBC describing the recent finding of two genes that from early indications appear to increase the risk of developing MS by 20-30%. Something that scientists have been looking to find for 30 years.
The company I work for provides scientific data management solutions for researchers doing work in genomics and proteomics so these types of studies are of particular interest to me. In fact, I was just reading the other day about another interesting genetic study (from a year or two back) on a group of centarians that uncovered some potential markers of longevity at the gene level (podcast).
As technology improves and scientific throughput increases, we should be seeing breakthroughs like these become much more common. Time will tell.
28 Jul 2007
I was pretty keen on attending this years OSCON in Portland but it unfortunately didn’t fit into the conference budget.
It’s never really a replacement for attending but a good majority of the presentations this year are now available (as PDFs) here.
I haven’t looked at many yet but there appear to be some fairly interesting talks regarding Java. Not to mention general programming and open-source goodness (ie. Databases Don’t Matter or Nested Data Parallelism in Haskell).
Maybe next year!