IBM tempting developers with free GRID access

IBM tries the lure of free grid acces
s – News – ZDNet

According to ZDNet, IBM is hoping to recruit developers by offering free access to high-powered grid computing servers over the Internet.

I don’t know how much access you could ever get, or for how long, but it might be something worth checking out if you are interested in grid-technologies a
nd don’t have the time or the bother to setup your own environment. Alternatively, if you are involved in GRID-enabled application development and haven’t
ran it on IBM software, now’s your chance.

If you want to start building your own grid-enabled applications, there is always the Globus Framework. I did some GR
ID work with Globas some six months ago and it was fairly interesting, a technology that I think is a bit ahead of it’s time for most applications but some
thing worth keeping in the back of your mind nonetheless.

TMC Terminates Business with JBoss, Inc.

Will the controversy ever end….

TMC Terminates Business with JBoss,

We attempted to diplomatically work through our differences that arose from recent events. However, the instability and unprofessional conduct from JBoss I
nc. CEO Marc Fleury eroded our optimism for reaching resolution. We regret the inconvenience this may cause JBoss, Inc.

As a company that stewards communities and performs research, we must balance the needs of vendors and individuals who make up the ecosystem we serve. We w
ill continue news coverage and editorial in a neutral manner on technology, events and vendors. We will aggressively address any attempts to lower the valu
e of our communities.

The Middleware Company believes in the promise of open source middleware and wishes great success to all such initiatives, including JBoss. We apologize to
any individual or organization that may have been impacted by recent events.

A comment further down in the thread (from JBoss’ director of marketing says that it was JBoss that originally terminated the agreement.

Can’t we all just get along. I consider JBoss to be a decent application server and given the price, one of the best.

Linux – Flash Player 7 Finally

Linux users can finally download a Flash 7 Player from Macromedia (available [here][1]).

Hopefully this will clear up some of the flash-related problems I’ve been having with
Mozilla Firefox and various news sites that present flash (abcnews, espn…etc). Although, for others having similar problems with flash sites, I’d recomm
end the FlashBlock Mozilla/Mozilla Firefox extension.

From it’s website, *Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla and Firebird browsers that takes a pessemistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash c
ontent on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves a placeholder on the page that allows you to click to view the Flash content.

I must say that it works very well and improves the overall browsing experience (imho).
