A tale of two computers : the iPad vs. Netbook

A couple weeks back I made a trip down to Seattle in search of an iPad. BestBuy was a complete bust, they get ~10 units in per week and quickly sell out. If you really want one, you’re going to have to visit an actual Apple store.

That same weekend, I also picked up a Netbook for the girlfriend. It was a much easier buying experience, they’re everywhere. We ended up picking up an Acer from Costco for $499.

First things first, the iPad is not a laptop replacement IMO. It’s certainly sexy and crowd pleasing, but if you’re looking for a communication device in the sense of sending emails, video conferencing, etc., you’re better off with a Netbook (MacBook Air included). The virtual keyboard is passable, but not terribly suited to significant correspondence. Plan on grabbing the Apple bluetooth keyboard if you’re looking to publish content via the iPad. Lastly, if you’re the attention seeking type sporting a permanently popped collar, the iPad is a surefire crowd attractor.   

On the flip-side, if you’re looking for a new content consumption device (twitter, google reader, books, etc.) it really is your ticket to ride. I’ve been running a little test over the past couple weeks where I’ve restricted Twitter and RSS usage to the iPad. It’s completely anecdotal, but it seems much easier to keep up to date on the iPad versus say using Tweetie or Google Reader on the MBP.

The Flash argument is a non-starter for me, 99% of the sites I access on a regular basis are fine. Once FailBlog converts over to HTML5, I’ll be set.

Furthermore, just being able to sit on the couch or lay in bed and not end up with a 3rd degree burn, makes the iPad worth the price of admission.

As I type this, the girlfriend is happily skyping with friends and tagging faces in Picasa. Being able to do both at the same time is an obviously technological and patentable marvel!