JDBCSpy – What’s been happening.

So I’ve been working off and on over the past 6 months on a little side project, JDBCSpy. I’ve mentioned it previously so this post is just a little update.

It’s far from my day job and really just serves as a bit of an outlet. You’re free to argue about whether it’s a creative outlet or not :) The project stemmed from code written during one of hack days and has grown organically from there.

Essentially the goals of the project are as follows:

I’ve been using Maven for all build activities which satisfies one of the non-functional objectives.

If pressed, I’d say things are available in a beta-quality form. The code isn’t perfect nor particularly tuned. Most of the (recent) time I’ve spent on the project has been focused towards GUI refactoring. There’s plenty of more work to do on the JDBC driver side but it’s more or less taken a back seat right now. Part of the reason for this lies in the fact that there’s a few other projects that do something similar for JDBC logging.

Click here for a screenshot of the current viewer.

I’ll probably be adding some basic Groovy support (to enable user-defined filtering) to the viewer in the next commit or two. More or less just for kicks but it would also provide an opportunity to play a bit more with the language.
