Drinking the Google Kool Aid?

from JoeDuck’s World

I’m getting tired of people explaining how Google will take over the internet and then the world of commerce. This is the nonsense we heard back in 1999….except they were saying AMAZON was going to take over the world.

What’s Amazon? Oh… right…. it’s a book selling site.

I would argue it’s not just a book selling site, it’s the book selling site. When I want to buy I book, I’ll always buy from them. I’ve had good experiences with Amazon in the past and I see no reason the change my buying habits.

I don’t know how many others share the same belief, but I’m probably not in the minority.

With Yahoo now equal in search quality and MSN and AskJeeves equal within months or a year at most, the division of advertising revenues will challenge Google, making it hard to grow faster than the rate offline advertising money pours online.

Likewise with search, when I want to do a search, I’ll always do it in Google and it’s going to take a lot to get me to change. I’m not really a person who runs the search first in google and than runs the same search in msn/yahoo. If I don’t find what I need in Google, I move on and/or re-search with a more exact/broad search query.

I haven’t really dealved much into the localized aspects of each search engine but I do see that as a potentially differentiating quality. It’s still relatively new and seemingly a good source of innovation.