Brief Experience with ‘Beagle’ Desktop Search

For some time I’ve been wanting to try out the ‘Beagle‘ desktop searching engine on my linux desktop.

There’s an article/review of it over on LinuxForums.

What is Beagle?

Beagle is a desktop search engine written by Nat Friedman (of Gnome/Ximian) fame. It is written in C# using Mono and Gtk#. The indexing is handled by DotLucene a C# port of the Lucene indexer.

A FAQ is available on their wiki.

It was quite trival to install on my Debian unstable box.

apt-get update
apt-get install beagle


I haven’t really done anything beyond some simple email searches, but more or less it returned the results I would expect.

Surely, a step in the right direction.