This is what I like to see….
06 Nov 2004Now being someone who lives in the NW (actually, Victoria, BC but still below the 49th parallel), this is the kind of information I like to see. I was for
tunate enough to come out of University and land a job with an up and coming startup. Sure there were opportunities to go with much larger and stable comp
anies but I enjoy the sense of freedom and unconstrained growth that goes along with entrepreneurship.
It was the hey-day when I first started Univeristy 5 years ago. My first opportunity to go out on co-op presented
at least 8 or 9 different job offers. 2 years later and you were lucky to get 2 job offers. 2 years later again and the market
seems to be coming around with a definate need for people. We need people and I bet there are lots of other compa
nies in the same boat.
People are finding that the northwest is an attractive place to work and live with a fair share of start-ups and established companies to choose from. NW
VC’s appear active and that can only encourage growth and expansion.