Just Ordered J2EE Development without EJB

J2EE with EJB’s (accessed from both a thin web client and thick desktop client) is what I do primary at work. However, for some time I’ve had an interest
in light weight containers but have only had the opportunity to play with Spring briefly on a personal project. I am a fan of what Hibernate offers the de
veloper (even if you’re only considering the query language vrs ejbql) and would like to understand it in a bit more detail.

From all reviews, Rod’s book looks like a good read so I figured I’d pick it up and throw it on the queue. I don’t have much reading material on the go ri
ght now, Code Complete 2.0 is the only thing I’ve been flipping through lately. Perhaps that will change now that summer is dieing down and the weather w
on’t be as enticing…