Just Furl It
20 Aug 2004-
The web’s usefulness grows each day. More great content is available each week. More transactions are executed as users buy more goods online. Unfortunatel
y the web is also very large and dynamic. How many times have you gone back trying to find an article you read only days before but not finding it? How man
y times have you tried in vain to recall something you read months ago?
Furl is dedicated to making it easy for users to archive, recall, share, and discover useful information on the Web. With a couple clicks, Furl will archiv
e any page. You can easily find it by browsing your personal directory of web pages or by using the full text search that only searches pages you’ve archiv
ed. It’s like having your own Google.
Not just limited to archiving pages, Furl also gives you the best ways to share content. Furl makes it easy for your friends to decide which categories of
links they are interested in and receive a daily “newsletter” of links. Furl also generates RSS feeds for your links and makes it simple for you to integra
te this content into an existing website.
I think Furl is great. It has almost entirely replaced my use of traditional browser bookmarks for new content. The built in RSS-feed generation makes it
a piece of cake to share content. Check it out!.
While you’re at it, here’s my global Furl feed.