IBM tempting developers with free GRID access

IBM tries the lure of free grid acces
s – News – ZDNet

According to ZDNet, IBM is hoping to recruit developers by offering free access to high-powered grid computing servers over the Internet.

I don’t know how much access you could ever get, or for how long, but it might be something worth checking out if you are interested in grid-technologies a
nd don’t have the time or the bother to setup your own environment. Alternatively, if you are involved in GRID-enabled application development and haven’t
ran it on IBM software, now’s your chance.

If you want to start building your own grid-enabled applications, there is always the Globus Framework. I did some GR
ID work with Globas some six months ago and it was fairly interesting, a technology that I think is a bit ahead of it’s time for most applications but some
thing worth keeping in the back of your mind nonetheless.