Quick & Dirty Bookmarklet for Javadocs.org
11 May 2004Here’s a _very_ quick and dirty little javascript bookmarklet that I put together for use with the www.javadocs.org service. It will prompt you for a java
class, and then open the Javadoc’d API for the class via www.javadocs.org.
javascript:topic=prompt(‘Search API for…’ );location=’http://www.javadocs.org/’ + escape(topic);
Just add a bookmark with that as the contents and voila. It’s pretty simple, but it’ll make my life a bit easier when I want to lookup something quickly.
Note, that I’m doing this in FireFox, so your mileage may vary in other browsers. I’d like to figure out how to add another search engine that will allow
me to query the javadocs.org without needing the javascript popup prompt.